.. _clientconf_params: Client Configuration Parameters ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Both the Windows and the Linux version of the ThinLinc client use the same names for their configuration parameters, although the storage technique used is different (text files vs. registry keys). In this section we will list the parameters and explain their possible values. .. client-config:: ALLOW_HOSTKEY_UPDATE Set to ``1`` if SSH host key updates should be allowed. This parameter cannot be changed from the GUI. The result of setting :clientconf:`ALLOW_HOSTKEY_UPDATE` to ``0`` is that the client cannot connect to the server if the host key is wrong. This enhances security if there is a risk for a man in the middle attack. .. client-config:: AUTHENTICATION_METHOD This parameter can be set to ``password``, ``publickey``, ``scpublickey`` or ``kerberos`` to select the authentication mode used by the client. .. client-config:: AUTOLOGIN If this parameter is set to ``1``, the client will automatically login at start, using the server name, user name and password specified in the configuration storage. .. client-config:: CERTIFICATE Specifies the smart card certificate to use when authenticating. .. client-config:: CERTIFICATE_NAMING Controls how the client presents a certificate to the user. The parameter consists of a comma separated list of naming tokens that represent bits of information from each card or certificate. Possible tokens: ``card_label`` The label specified on the smart card. ``pin_label`` The label associated with the PIN protecting this certificate. ``subject_*`` A field from the subject in the certificate. Can for example be the common name by specifying ``subject_cn`` or ``subject_commonName``. Any registered object identifier descriptor can be used (see `IANA`_ for a full list). ``issuer_*`` A field from the issuer in the certificate, in the same manner as for ``subject_*``. The client will use as many of the tokens as necessary to give each certificate a unique name. That means that certificates on two different cards can be presented with a different number of tokens depending on how much the information between the certificates overlap. An index number will be added to the name if the names are still not unique when all tokens are used. .. _IANA: https://www.iana.org/assignments/ldap-parameters/ldap-parameters.xhtml .. client-config:: CUSTOM_COMPRESSION Set to ``1`` if a custom compression method is selected. .. client-config:: CUSTOM_COMPRESSION_LEVEL The selected compression level. An integer between 1 and 9. .. client-config:: DISPLAY_MODE The display mode. Can be set to values ``SIMPLE`` and ``ADVANCED``, or be left empty. In the latter case, the default behaviour is to use simple mode if a server name is given as a parameter and advanced mode otherwise. .. client-config:: EMULATE_MIDDLE_BUTTON Set to ``1`` if the client should emulate middle mouse button when pressing left and right mouse buttons simultaneously. .. client-config:: FULL_SCREEN_MODE Set to ``1`` if the client should run in full-screen mode. .. client-config:: FULL_SCREEN_MONITOR_MODE This parameter selects which monitors the client should be used when in full-screen mode and can be set to one of the following: ``current`` Use the monitor the client window is currently displayed on. ``all`` Use all available monitors. ``selected`` Use the monitors specified in :clientconf:`FULL_SCREEN_SELECTED_MONITORS`. .. client-config:: FULL_SCREEN_SELECTED_MONITORS This parameter specifies a comma separated list of monitor numbers that should be used in full-screen mode when :clientconf:`FULL_SCREEN_MONITOR_MODE` is set to ``selected``. Monitors are numbered from left to right, based on their top left corner, starting from one. If two monitors are perfectly aligned vertically then the top-most monitor is considered first. .. client-config:: HOST_ALIASES This parameter specifies a list of hostname and port translations. This translation list is consulted whenever the client is about to initiate a network connection. This includes the SSH connection to the ThinLinc agent machine. The syntax for this parameter is:: [fromhost][:fromport]=[tohost][:toport] ... If ``fromhost`` is omitted, the translation will apply to all hosts. The same principle is used for ports. If ``tohost`` or ``toport`` is omitted, the original host or port will be used. Multiple translations are separated with whitespace. The translation stops as soon as one match is found. .. client-config:: JPEG_COMPRESSION Set to ``1`` if JPEG compression is wanted. .. client-config:: JPEG_COMPRESSION_LEVEL The wanted compression level. .. client-config:: KILL_EXISTING_SESSIONS Set to ``1`` if existing sessions should be ended. .. note:: It makes little sense to change this value. The client never saves this setting. .. client-config:: LOGIN_NAME The username. .. client-config:: LOWERCASE_LOGIN_NAME Set to ``1`` if the client should convert the entered username to lowercase before logging into the server. This affects both the login user name and the name of the user to shadow (if applicable). .. client-config:: NEW_PASSWORD_REGEXP This parameter specifies a regular expression. If an interactive SSH prompt matches this expression, the response is taken as a new password. The new password will be used for the SSH connection to the agent machine. It will also be sent to the server to enable Single Sign-On. .. client-config:: NFS_EXPORTS A list of local drive paths and permissions. The syntax for this parameter is:: [path1],[permissions1],[path2],[permissions2] ... As seen above, each path should be followed by the desired permissions ``disabled`` (not exported), ``ro`` (read only) or ``rw`` (read and write). See :ref:`client_advanced_tab` for their meaning. This list specifies local drives to be exported. .. client-config:: NFS_ROOT_WARNING Set to ``1`` to enable a warning if running as root and exporting local drives. .. client-config:: NFS_SERVER_ENABLED Set to ``1`` if local drives should be exported. .. client-config:: OPTIONS_POPUP_KEY Key code for key to activate option pop-up menu. .. client-config:: PASSWORD This parameter allows you to specify a password in the configuration file. It must be specified using a hexadecimal ASCII notation, which means that every character is specified by its hexadecimal value. .. warning:: The password value is not encrypted. It should be treated as a clear text password. Avoid storing configuration files with a :clientconf:`PASSWORD` parameter on disk or transmit such files over networks without encryption. .. client-config:: PKCS11_MODULE Specifies the PKCS#11 module that will be used to communicate with the smart card. The path can be relative the base prefix of the ThinLinc client or an absolute path. .. client-config:: PRINTER_ENABLED Set to ``1`` if local printers should be enabled. .. client-config:: PRINTER_SELECTION Set to ``1`` if the local printer selection dialog should be displayed on every print on Windows and macOS clients. Otherwise printing jobs will be sent to the default local printer. .. client-config:: PRIVATE_KEY This parameter specifies the path to the private key to be used to authenticate the user. .. client-config:: RECONNECT_POLICY This parameter can be set to ``single-disconnected`` or ``ask`` to control the client's reconnect policy. See :ref:`client_advanced_tab` for their meaning. .. client-config:: REMOVE_CONFIGURATION If ``1``, the user configuration file (or the file specified by :option:`-C`) will be removed after the client has started. Settings changed in the GUI will not be stored to disk. If the client fails to remove the file, it will try to truncate it instead. .. client-config:: SEND_SYSKEYS Set to ``1`` if the client should send system keys (like :kbd:`Alt+Tab`) to the remote system when in full-screen mode. .. client-config:: SERIAL1_DAEMON_DEVICE The path to the first local serial port device to be exported. .. client-config:: SERIAL1_PORT_ENABLED Set to ``1`` if the first local serial port should be exported. .. client-config:: SERIAL2_DAEMON_DEVICE The path to the second local serial port device to be exported. .. client-config:: SERIAL2_PORT_ENABLED Set to ``1`` if the second local serial port should be exported. .. client-config:: SERIAL_PORTS_ENABLED Set to ``1`` if local serial ports should be exported. .. client-config:: SERVER_NAME The hostname or IP of the ThinLinc server. When using ThinLinc in a cluster setup this should be the hostname or IP of the Master server machine. .. client-config:: SHADOWING_ENABLED Set to ``1`` if shadowing should be enabled. .. client-config:: SHADOW_NAME The username of the user who's session should be shadowed. .. client-config:: SMARTCARD_AUTOCONNECT Set to ``1`` if the client should automatically attempt a connection when a smart card with a suitable certificate is found, this will only work if :clientconf:`SMARTCARD_SUBJECT_AS_NAME` also is set to ``1``. .. client-config:: SMARTCARD_DISCONNECT Set to ``1`` if the client should disconnect automatically when the smart card used for authentication is removed. .. client-config:: SMARTCARD_EXPORT_ENABLED Set to ``1`` if local smartcard readers should be exported. .. client-config:: SMARTCARD_FILTER_n This is a item list of certificate filters replace ``n`` with a sequence number that defined the order of the filter in the list. The filter string consists of three fields where each field is sperated using a ``|`` (pipe), the defined three fields are: *name*, *attributes* and *key usage* which are documented below. Here follows an example of a filter string showing its format:: SMARTCARD_FILTER_1=Telia|o=TeliaSonera|5 *name* The name of the filter which will be displayed in the list of filters defined in the user interface. *attributes* This field holds a comma separated list of certificate attributes that is used when matching against available certificates, for example ``O=TeliaSonera``. *key usage* This field is a bitmask value used to match against a certificate's key usage flags. It indicates the intended usage of the certificate, such as identification, signing etc. Use this to match certificates that is intended to be used for logon. For example, identification certificates will be matched using a value of 5: digital signature + key encipherment = 5 The values are described in the following table: === =================== 1 digital signature 2 non-repudiation 4 key encipherment 8 data enciperment 16 key agreement 32 certificate signing 64 CRL signing 128 enchiper only 256 decipher only === =================== .. client-config:: SMARTCARD_PASSPHRASE_SSO Set to ``1`` if the client should transmit the smart card passphrase to the ThinLinc server to enable smart card single sign-on. See :ref:`client_security_tab` for security implications. .. client-config:: SMARTCARD_SUBJECT_AS_NAME Set to ``1`` if the certificate subject should be used as logon name, this will hide the name field from login window. .. client-config:: SOUND_ENABLED Set to ``1`` if sound redirection should be enabled. .. client-config:: SOUND_SYSTEM Which local sound system to use. Only used on platforms that have multiple sound systems to choose from. Possible values: ``AUTO`` Automatically choose the most appropriate sound system of those available. ``PULSE`` Use the local PulseAudio server as determined by X11 properties or environment variables. ``ALSA`` Use the default ALSA device. ``OSS`` Use the default OSS device. .. client-config:: SSH_ARBITRARY Custom port number for ThinLinc connection. .. client-config:: SSH_COMPRESSION Set to ``1`` to use the compression built into SSH. .. client-config:: SSH_PORT_SELECTION Port selection for ThinLinc connection. Possible values: - ``0`` for port 22 (standard ssh port). - ``1`` for port 80. - ``2`` for custom port set in the :clientconf:`SSH_ARBITRARY` parameter. .. There is a reason the SSH_PORT_SELECTION doesn't store the port number directly. See comments for bug 346 in Bugzilla. .. client-config:: START_PROGRAM_COMMAND Specifies the command to use when starting the session, if :clientconf:`START_PROGRAM_ENABLED` is active. .. client-config:: START_PROGRAM_ENABLED Specifies if the client should request that the server starts the session with the command supplied by the client. .. client-config:: UPDATE_ENABLED Set to ``1`` to enable periodic checks for new versions. .. client-config:: UPDATE_INTERVAL This parameter specifies the time interval, in seconds, between client update checks. .. client-config:: UPDATE_LASTCHECK This parameter specifies the time that the last update check was performed. .. client-config:: UPDATE_MANDATORY If set to ``1``, updating to new client versions is mandatory. .. client-config:: UPDATE_URL The HTTP URL to client update configuration file. .. client-config:: VNC_AUTOSELECT Set to ``1`` to dymanically autoselect the compression algorithm during the session. .. client-config:: VNC_COLOR_LEVEL The color level used for the session. .. client-config:: VNC_ENCODING_SELECTION The encoding to use for VNC. Possible values: - ``0`` for Raw - ``5`` for Hextile - ``7`` for Tight - ``16`` for ZRLE .. client-config:: YESNO_PROMPT_REGEXP This parameter specifies a regular expression. If an interactive SSH prompt matches this expression, a graphical yes/no dialog will be presented, instead of a dialog for text input. Additionally, if the prompt is known to the client, an alternate text will be used. The dialog buttons :guilabel:`Yes` and :guilabel:`No` will send ``yes`` and ``no`` to the server, respectively.