.. _macosclients: macOS ----- .. _macosclientsreq: Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~ - macOS (formerly OS X) version newer than 10.6 running on 64-bit Intel hardware .. note:: macOS (formerly OS X) versions newer than 10.9 installs with a default setting that breaks the multi monitor functionality of the ThinLinc client. A workaround to this problem is to disable setting :guilabel:`Displays have separate Spaces` in settings for :guilabel:`Mission Control` found in :guilabel:`System Preferences`. .. _macosclientsinstall: Installing the macOS Client ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The client for macOS can be found in the directory :file:`client-macos` in the Client Bundle. To install the client, follow these steps: 1. Double-click on the file :file:`tl-x.y.z_rel-client-macos.iso`. 2. Drag the :guilabel:`ThinLinc Client` application to an application folder of your choice. 3. Eject :guilabel:`ThinLinc Client`. .. _macosclientsrun: Running the macOS Client ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To start the ThinLinc Client, double click on the client application. The client can also be added to and started from the Dock. .. _macosalt: Command and Alt Keys on macOS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The :kbd:`Alt` key (also know as the :kbd:`Option` key) behaves very differently on macOS compared to its behaviour on other platforms. It closely resembles the PC :kbd:`AltGr` key, found on international keyboards. ThinLinc therefore treats these keys in a special manner on macOS in order to provide a good integration between the client and the remote ThinLinc system. Whenever either of the :kbd:`Alt` keys are pressed, ThinLinc will behave as if :kbd:`AltGr` was pressed. The left :kbd:`Command` key is used as a replacement for :kbd:`Alt` in order to use shortcuts like :kbd:`Alt+F`. The right :kbd:`Command` key retains its behaviour of acting like the :kbd:`Super`/:kbd:`Windows` key.