.. _configuration_tlwebadm: .. server-config-folder:: /tlwebadm Parameters in /tlwebadm/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In this section, we will describe all the parameters currently used by the ThinLinc Web Administration. .. server-config:: /tlwebadm/username The username to authenticate with when accessing the web interface. .. server-config:: /tlwebadm/password The password for the above user. The tool :program:`tl-gen-auth` may be used to create hashes of the format required for use with this parameter. .. server-config:: /tlwebadm/cert The path to the certificate file to be used for TLS encryption. .. server-config:: /tlwebadm/certkey The path to the certificate private key file. .. server-config:: /tlwebadm/listen_port The local port for the web server to listen on. .. server-config:: /tlwebadm/gnutls_priority The GnuTLS priority string is used to select the order and availability of TLS versions, ciphers, key exchange, MAC, compression, signature and elliptic curve algorithms for TLS sessions. See :ref:`gnutls-priorities` for possible values. .. server-config:: /tlwebadm/logging/logfile The file to use for logging tlwebadm messages. By default, this is :file:`/var/log/tlwebadm.log`.