Client configuration storage

The ThinLinc client does not use Hiveconf for its configuration. Instead, the Linux and macOS clients uses a plain text format with key/value pairs and the Windows client stores the values in the Windows registry.


The configuration parameters should seldom be edited by hand. For a system wide configuration, create a parameter set using the client and copy it to the system wide file.

Configuration Format

The format is simple: Each parameter is written on one line, followed by an equal sign (=) and the value of the parameter, as in the following example:


Alternative Files

By using the -C option, additional configuration files can be specified. Any name is accepted, but the file extension .tlclient is recommended. The Windows, Linux, and macOS packages configures the system to automatically recognize such files as configuration files for the ThinLinc Client. Additionally, the Internet Media Type application/vnd.cendio.thinlinc.clientconf is linked to such configuration files.

Linux Client Configuration Files

The Linux client first reads the file /opt/thinlinc/etc/tlclient.conf, if it exists. It then reads the file .thinlinc/tlclient.conf in the user’s home directory, and the values there override the values from /opt/thinlinc/etc/tlclient.conf. This way, a system administrator can set global defaults for client operations, while each user can still customize the client to wanted behavior.

macOS Client Configuration Files

The macOS client first reads the file /Library/Application Support/ThinLinc Client/tlclient.conf if it exists. It then reads the .thinlinc/tlclient.conf in the user’s home directory, and the values there overrides the values from /Library/Application Support/ThinLinc Client/tlclient.conf. This way, a system administrator can set global defaults for client operations, while each user can still customize the client to wanted behavior.

Windows Client Configuration

On Windows, the ThinLinc client reads its configuration from the registry. All ThinLinc client data is stored under Software\Cendio\ThinLinc\tlclient in the HKLM and HKCU hives. The parameter names are the same as for the Linux client.

The behaviour of global and user-specific settings are identical to that of the Linux client, where settings in HKLM correspond to /opt/thinlinc/etc/tlclient.conf and those in HKCU correspond to .thinlinc/tlclient.conf.