ThinLinc use cases
Our clients

North American Government Research Organization
Professionals working with climate forecast and physical process modeling access the HPC applications from any location and any device in this North American research organization

Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden Rossendorf

European Gravitational Observatory (EGO)

Secure Interactive Environments for SensiTive data Analytics
The SIESTA project, funded by the EU's Horizon Europe program, aims to build a secure, open platform for researchers to analyze sensitive data while upholding privacy. Led by the Institute of Physics of Cantabria, 17 institutions collaborate to develop tools for finding, analyzing, and sharing sensitive data responsibly. Cendio ThinLinc's secure remote access technology is key to building the secure environment where researchers can analyze this data. This project, running from 2023 to 2026 with a €5 million budget, promises to revolutionize how researchers access and utilize sensitive data across various fields. Learn more about SIESTA at, and how ThinLinc empowers secure access.

Norrköpings kommun

Aston University

Tata Steel


Mill Film

