ThinLinc use cases
Our clients
University of Oulo
DTU Risø
Stanford University – SLAC
ThinLinc is used to provide researchers access to crucial computing equipment at Stanford University. ThinLinc integrates well into existing Linux setups.
University of Manitoba
Secure Interactive Environments for SensiTive data Analytics
The SIESTA project, funded by the EU's Horizon Europe program, aims to build a secure, open platform for researchers to analyze sensitive data while upholding privacy. Led by the Institute of Physics of Cantabria, 17 institutions collaborate to develop tools for finding, analyzing, and sharing sensitive data responsibly. Cendio ThinLinc's secure remote access technology is key to building the secure environment where researchers can analyze this data. This project, running from 2023 to 2026 with a €5 million budget, promises to revolutionize how researchers access and utilize sensitive data across various fields. Learn more about SIESTA at, and how ThinLinc empowers secure access.
Los Alamos National Labs
SoftBank Mobile
ThinLinc is used daily by this Japanese multinational holding conglomerate headquartered in Tokyo. With the help of ThinLinc SoftBank Mobile are able to provide remote access to secure working environments for their employees.
National Laboratory for High Performance Computing – Chile
The National Laboratory for High Performance Computing (NLHPC) in Chile leverages ThinLinc technology to offer users a graphical interface for accessing their HPC cluster. This eliminates the need for traditional command-line job submissions, instead providing interactive remote desktop sessions for popular applications like Matlab, Rstudio, and VMD. This intuitive approach opens up the cluster's potential to a wider user base, simplifying access and enhancing the overall user experience.